
The UGC you need, always at your fingertips

Effortlessly uncover the most valuable assets in your library and find the right UGC for your brand campaigns using Archive’s advanced filters.
How filters works

Unlock your library with UGC Filters

Advanced sorting

Create custom library views

Archive’s advanced filters allow you to sort assets in your library based on specific criteria, like post type, date, Social Profile, follower count, verified status, Custom Tags, Usage Rights, and more. Combine as many filters as you want to view your most relevant assets and find the perfect piece of content for every brand campaign.
Powerful filters

Track UGC performance

Identify high value assets and top performing Social Profiles so you can maximize your marketing campaigns and invest in partnerships that drive real business value. Apply filters to find the UGC that meets specific engagement criteria or that was created by verified Social Profiles with a certain follower count.
Flexible results

Analyze historical content

Uncover valuable insights and trends by analyzing past UGC. Identify successful campaigns, understand your audience’s preferences, and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly. Applying filters to historical content empowers you to make data-driven decisions about upcoming campaigns and future content initiatives.

Archive is a game-changer!
This has been such a helpful tool for staying connected with our community and sourcing UGC. It saves us time, is easy to use, and gives valuable insights!

Gloria Rodriguez

The content you need, when you need it

Powerful, self-serve product and growth analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by over 4,000 startups.

Save time & effort

Once you’ve created your perfect library view, bookmark that combination of filters so you can revisit your most important content anytime.

Manage usage rights

Apply the Usage Rights filter to quickly see all the content you already have permission to use and easily avoid any legal issues.

Increase ad relevance

Filter by hashtags or Custom Tags to find assets about a specific product and ensure the UGC you choose is relevant to every campaign.

Identify effective content

Find high-quality content that moves the needle by adding engagement, verified status, and follower count filters into the mix.

Analyze UGC trends

Use filters like post date, type, and source to evaluate your campaign effectiveness and identify trends over time and across platforms.

Create Custom Collections

Once you’ve used filters to find the perfect UGC for your campaign, add those assets to a custom Collection you can easily share with your team.

How our customers use Archive to do more with their UGC

Learn why high growth brands choose Archive
Used and trusted by 50,000 brands

Capture everything

Get started for free and find out how much time you’ll save with the power of Archive at your fingertips.